
Research on meditation and self-compassion interventions

I did a bit of research today looking at body image, meditation and self-compassion interventions. It was eye-opening to see the number of different scales looking at different elements of self compassion and body image, which I think will be really useful in my project. The conclusion of the paper I read "Brief self-compassion meditation training for body image distress in young adult women" by Aubrey M. Toole and Linda W. Craighead stated that whilst some people noted significant positive changes in their self-compassion, some were resistant to the idea of self-compassion - one participant even stating ... "I know I must work to achieve the level of fitness I want. . .I must not ease my perception of my body, and must continue to be hard on myself to actually achieve good results."  This statement really shocked me whilst reading it, but mulling over the statement I realised that this is how a lot of myself and my friends think about their bodies. For exam...

New term and new course

Hi all, hope you had good Christmases and New Years and some well deserved time off thinking. I've had a rather bizarre start of not really feeling I want to continue with the MA. I'm not entirely sure where it came from, I had a difficult time at a college I taught at up until Christmas and I think its really made me question what I want in my future. After lots of talking it through with various people I decided I wasn't going to do it. At the moment my work is mainly related to health, exercise and well being so it just wasn't sitting right with me to talk entirely about teaching. I spoke to Helen about it and she recommended I move across to the Dance specialism MA, where I could focus in on those things and interlink them with dance. I've made the move and I'm much more excited about the research prospects than I was previously. However I still don't think I'm entirely out the water here. Reading through the module 2 handbook has made me rea...

Review: The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli vs. First we make the beast beautiful by Sarah Wilson

Slightly off track from AOL essays... I picked up a book yesterday called 'The Art of Thinking Clearly' in a little bookshop on the high road. I hoped it would help me with my terrible lack of decision making I usually have; 'which coat shall I wear?', 'do I need a coat?', 'should I accept this invitation to meet a friend or stay in and work?', 'is my work going to suffer or be better if I have a social life?'...... my poor little mind gets very confused with decision making. I read the first few chapters and felt like Dobelli was being clear cut and blunt with the readers, he took control of the situations and told the reader everything was nonsense. All the links we create with our brains about events, reasons why we meet people or have experiences, its all unlinked, its just our brains trying to create patterns and it makes us feel more comfortable. I started to feel a little uneasy reading, but I carried on because its good for my beliefs...

Help! I need somebody... (to discuss AOL's with)

Hey everyone - hope you all had good weeks. I started my new teaching role this week so I am pretty tired now and haven't managed to do as much work as I had hoped to this week. I wondered if anyone would be willing to talk about the Areas of Learning essays? I have a few brief ideas so I'm just looking at how to develop my ideas a bit more in a sense of getting my original subject titles off the ground and to start writing! I have two ideas for subjects of the essays, the first being Nurturing students as a teacher - I feel the broad range of people I have taught have allowed me to develop a strong sense of nurturing students during class and trying to help them become the best they can be. I think this could be partly down to my own training where I felt I could have been more nurtured during my experience (of course this is just my perception of it) and also down to teaching smaller children and then teaching adult from specialist population groups who were not trainin...

Experience = Knowledge

I had a really interesting - lets call it a 'debate' at my part time workplace today. It isn't a dance based environment but it allowed me to reflect through the conversation about knowledge and experience. It seemed from looking at different rituals, to marriage and civil partnerships, right through to feminism and that is where it got less enjoyable. We spoke about sexual assault and how I believed it was more prominent that women were sexually assaulted and a video I had seen which highlighted some lack of equality between men and women by asking a question to a group of men and afterwards a group of women; what steps do you take on a daily basis to prevent yourself from being sexually assaulted? The men laughed nervously and a few people said 'don't go to prison' and things like this. But the summary of it was that they didn't really think about it. The same question was asked of women, who started to mention a lot of various things; don't go r...

Task 1: introducing myself

Hi everyone - I already had my blog up and running from my undergrad so these posts have been a bit backwards apologies! My name is Chrissie, I am currently working part time as a dance and vocal lecturer at a Southampton based college and the rest of the time I work as a Health Practitioner at a cardiovascular prevention service. I trained professionally at The Hammond School of Dance where I disciplined in Musical theatre, various dance styles, acting and singing. I have taught freelance dance and fitness classes for many years and have taught adults up to 60 and children from pre primary. I have worked with specialist population groups and vulnerable adults, and children with autism. I have worked in community centres, colleges, schools, universities and dance centres, each with its own unique learning experience for me. I did my undergrad distance learning at Middlesex and I really struggled with it until the last module we did. I did not do well at engaging in blogs and ke...

What have you done today to make you feel proud?

Just had a quick look through the claims to prior learning handbook and found a good blog of Helen's from last year, read it here.... I think this module will be a lot about where I am right now and how my past experiences have got me here. From this I thought I'd start by creating a little mind map of what I've been part of during my dance journey. It actually made me feel really proud of everything I've achieved so far as a dance teacher. The course start has also come at a time when I've been offered my first work as a dance lecturer at a college too. So I'm very excited to use what I learn during my teaching in my MA studies. I have come to realise that outcomes don't necessarily have to be used to verify you as a person and what value to bring to jobs/studies/family/friends/anything in life. But it is hard to remember this sometimes. Tomorrow I'm running my first half marathon and I'm real...