
Showing posts from 2019

Research on meditation and self-compassion interventions

I did a bit of research today looking at body image, meditation and self-compassion interventions. It was eye-opening to see the number of different scales looking at different elements of self compassion and body image, which I think will be really useful in my project. The conclusion of the paper I read "Brief self-compassion meditation training for body image distress in young adult women" by Aubrey M. Toole and Linda W. Craighead stated that whilst some people noted significant positive changes in their self-compassion, some were resistant to the idea of self-compassion - one participant even stating ... "I know I must work to achieve the level of fitness I want. . .I must not ease my perception of my body, and must continue to be hard on myself to actually achieve good results."  This statement really shocked me whilst reading it, but mulling over the statement I realised that this is how a lot of myself and my friends think about their bodies. For exam...

New term and new course

Hi all, hope you had good Christmases and New Years and some well deserved time off thinking. I've had a rather bizarre start of not really feeling I want to continue with the MA. I'm not entirely sure where it came from, I had a difficult time at a college I taught at up until Christmas and I think its really made me question what I want in my future. After lots of talking it through with various people I decided I wasn't going to do it. At the moment my work is mainly related to health, exercise and well being so it just wasn't sitting right with me to talk entirely about teaching. I spoke to Helen about it and she recommended I move across to the Dance specialism MA, where I could focus in on those things and interlink them with dance. I've made the move and I'm much more excited about the research prospects than I was previously. However I still don't think I'm entirely out the water here. Reading through the module 2 handbook has made me rea...