Community of Practice - you aren't as isolated as you think!
I just had a really good chat with Paula and we discussed some interesting initial thoughts for Communities of Practice. When I first read reader 3 I had a horrible sinking feeling reading the Communities of Practice section. I didn't believe I had a professional network, a a really stubborn side of me said I didn't need one either. I felt a bit isolated. I have my own small business and although my Dad helps me out with my accounts, he has never danced in his life (apart from it you on 'A brimful of Asha'). So in the arts he isn't in my professional network. So I felt as always I was doing things independently and had never needed or had access to that support network. But after thinking and going on Facebook, my news feed was covered in dance - Ballet, Zumba, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Fitness, Shows, ideas and questions. I realised that subconsciously I actually had a very strong professional network, some of who I spoke to nearly every day! And they were from ...