Task 4a - Developing a set of questions
4a Review Reader 4 on
Professional Inquiry and develop a set of questions that are relevant to your practice. These questions should be
blogged and using the Blog ‘comments’ function, develop these questions
further collaboratively with other students and if possible, practitioners beyond
the programme. Taking these questions to another practitioner (student,
friend, co-worker) record (field notes, audio or audio-visual) their response
to the questions. Post your reflection of the process on your Blog.
Set of questions that are relevant to my practice
Can a community dance class leave a person with
positive feelings/wellbeing throughout their week or does the positivity end
when a person leaves dance class?
Does the teaching style and therefore teacher of
the class become the most important influence on whether class will be enjoyed,
or is this still to do with other factors such as environmental, friendships
and community, situations, etc?
In relevance to my workplace (HH), does dance class
(Zumba in this instance) become a more ideal and suitable form of exercise than
other less co-ordinated classes such as circuits/chair based? Do participants
enjoy this because of the music? The teacher? The choreography? The idea that
they become free?
Do participants lose more weight doing community
dance classes (again Zumba in this instance) than circuits and other non-dance
classes? Is this due to the level of aerobic activity needed and sustained
throughout class, or is this to do with people having more fun?
How can I improve my teaching style to influence
effectively a wider range of students in class (ballet in this instance) and
continue to create a good community environment and continue to have a positive
effect in people’s lives.
Next Tuesday I will be discussing these questions and the ideas and concepts they create with our resident psychologist at my workplace. I hope that she will give me her answers and through them create new ideas in my mind for branching out of these questions and getting closer to finding what I'd like to do for my enquiry.
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