Question ideas for interview with professionals

*Updated after speaking with Paula*

Just wanted to jot down some inquiry question ideas to use in interviews with my fellow professionals......

How do you feel the fitness industry could cater more towards inclusive fitness classes to encourage adherence in classes?

What ingredients do you believe create an enjoyable class for participants?

What are your view on social groups or a sense of community in exercise/dance classes? Are they necessary - if yes why, if no why? Do you believe lack of social groups within your class would affect the number of people that attend? Or visa versa.

Do you believe its important to create a sense of community in classes?
(need to word this differently as it plays towards a certain answer)

What do you believe is the single most important factor in an exercise class to increase participants enjoyement?

What is your personal technique for motivating participants?

How would you include specialist population groups into your classes without comprising the class for other participants?

How do you think is the best way for us as profesional teachers/coaches/instructors to continually improve our teaching skills?

How would you prevent clients losing motivation when they find the class too difficult?

What do you believe (if anything) is currently wrong with the fitness industry / what would you like the fitness industry to focus on improving?

What is your view on social media in the  dance and fitness industry?

What affect if any do you believe social media has on your clients?

What is your view on creating classes with social groups/sense of community within them? Does this affect your teaching? In your view does it affect particpants enjoment levels?

What other factors would you say play a part in creating a positive experience in an exercise class?

What are your views on classes held in a gym vs. classes held in the local community? Is there a difference?

Is it important for participants to see progress in their classes? Is the progress the teachers or the participants responsibility?

I know some of these need to be reworded so I'm not pushing any answers - but any other ideas would be greatly appreciated! 


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