Summary of module 2 work

Just to ease myself into module 3, I have done a brief summary of module 2 and have noted some concerns I need to address.....

Inquiry title
An inquiry exploring styles and approaches to leading an adult dance exercise class.

Research/inquiry questions:
How can I as a professional dance teacher plan and deliver classes to encourage motivation?

Breaking this down I want to look at:
 - what is motivation - intrinsic and exstrinic. Look at concept that I cannot create intrinsic motivation as it in internal, however I may be able to encourage extrinsic motivation which can lead to intrinsic motivation. I can do this by....
- encouraging clients to adhere to classes which may hopefully led them to having instrinsic motivation
-delivery of class - personality of instructor, structure of class, music.

Ethical issues: Keeping conversations/written work from professionals and work focus group strictly confidential apart from for the use of the inquiry. Not to use any personal information about the professionals helping me with my work. If I do choose to let someone observe me teaching, to make sure all adults (there will be no vulnerable adults there) are ok with this and have signed a written consent form.

Ideas for artefact:
Presentation/interactive workshop with some of the team - If not a book breaking down different teaching points that all Healthy hearts exercise instructors should look through before teaching, could be expanded to all instructors and be accessible through internet - a blog? 

After chatting to Paula she discussed that the science behind my findings might be contested, so it would be important to stress that it is only one side of the story. I can look at it more as being a positive progression of skills.

To do list for inquiry:

-Get feedback forms from everyone

-set up focus group date and clear with HH Head of Service

-literature review

-possible observation from another professional

If anyone else is doing an inquiry based on dance/exercise feel free to get in touch!


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