Introductory Skype Chat

We just had our introductory chat on Skype to start the term off. It was good to familiarise myself with Myunihub again and to go through the basics. Something new I've learnt... if the text book you want from Middlesex library isn't available as an online textbook, it can be arranged that the book is posted to you on loan! Brilliant.

I finished my undergrad in January so I feel like I have had a big gap in learning but I'm keen to start reading our module handbooks and to start making notes... I always like my handbooks to printed off so I can highlight and annotate on paper... anyone else find this?

I start my new job in a few weeks as a dance teacher at a college as well, and along with new housemates, a new haircut and the MA starting, my brain is at full capacity for 'change'. But I'm looking forward to utilising a study plan as that's definitely something I lacked in during my undergrad. How do you all see your pattern for studying working?

It will be nice to get to know everyone through the blogs so if anyone wants to start a conversation feel free!

Chrissie x


  1. Hi Chrissie, congrats on the new job have you started already ? I am also on the MA programme on Module 1 and working full time, so find it really hard to get quality time to study.
    I am finding Saturdays work for me so I am replacing friends here with my online course friends :)
    I was really interested to read your previous post on how you felt at the end of your BA. Also find I am struggling to jump onto our teachers blog and comment for fear of being torn to shreds by other students who dont agree, and then I started getting myself stuck to working alone and also trying to justify that ...If I read more, be more prepared, then I will be ready .... I guess its a journey of mini mountains to constantly climb and one we can only learn from if we fully commit and get out there .....its liking being the new kid at Dance School all over again!!!!


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